Friday 16 June 2023

Deadpool (5 Stars)

Deadpool must be the coolest Marvel superhero. (Or call him an anti-hero if you prefer). When he's fighting he banters with the villains, and when he's not fighting her banters with the cinema audience. He gives public service announcements, like telling people not to leave rubbish on the seats when they leave. His costume actually looks like it does in the comics, which is a rarity. He only has one fault: he likes Wham! I mean Wham the 1980's boyband, not Wham the 1960's weekly British comic. Okay, I admit that Wham is better than the awful rap music from America, and I'll even concede that George Michael has a good voice, but I find their music so bland and soulless. Their music is like candy floss; you take a big mouthful, but when you start to chew you realise you have nothing in your mouth. Wham's music isn't unpleasant, but it's not pleasant either, it's just... nothing.

Brianna Hildebrand is such a cool character as Negasonic Teenage Warhead that I wish she could get her own spin-off film. Or better still, she should make a sequel to "Tragedy Girls". She's not quite as cool as Deadpool, but at least she doesn't like Wham. And she should take that metal out of her nose.

Success Rate:  + 11.5

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