Tuesday 19 July 2022

House of Flying Daggers (5 Stars)

After watching "Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings" yesterday I'm in the mood to watch more Chinese films. There will be several in the next few weeks, but I thought I would start with "House of Flaying Daggers", one of the most beautiful films ever made. Some people might call it overkill. Whatever is happening, however brutal the fights might be, everything is colour-coordinated. The surrounding beauty distracts from the blood flowing. The battles are like a beautifully staged ballet, a dance of death in the forests and meadows.

The year is 859 AD. Leo and Jin are two army captains. They work together and they're close friends. They've been given the job of stopping a band of rebels called the Flying Daggers. The leader has been killed, but the group is carrying on without him. There's a rumour that Mei, the daughter of the former leader, is now working in a local brothel. Leo arrests her, but Jin frees her from prison, pretending to be sympathetic to the Flying Daggers. Together they travel north towards the hiding place of the Flying Daggers. Leo follows them with a small band of soldiers, waiting to attack the rebels when they've been uncovered.

Jin pretends to be in love with Mei so that she'll trust him, but as they travel through the beautiful scenery their emotions can't be tamed. The two fall in love with one another, and Jin feels tempted to give up his loyalty to the Emperor for her sake. But Mei already has a lover, a jealous lover that she hasn't seen for three years. Leo is an undercover agent planted in the government by the Flying Daggers. The lines between duty and romance are blurred. When the former friends draw swords against one another, is it because they're political enemies or rival lovers?

Zhang Yimou draws his inspiration from Shakespeare. His love stories are tragedies. We can't expect a happy ending. Those who love are doomed to die. This is a film that will make you cry, while you're still overwhelmed by the scenic beauty and the majestic music.

Success Rate:  + 5.7

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