Friday 13 September 2024

She Loved Blossoms More (1 Star)

This is the eighth film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

What on Earth is the director trying to achieve with this film? Is it art or absurdity?

A man called Logo wants to bring his wife back from the dead. He designs a time machine and asks his son Hedgehog to build it before Christmas. Hedgehog and his two friends Japan and Dummy spend their days experimenting with their machine when they're not smoking marijuana or getting drunk. They send animals back in time, but when they return they're physically maimed and have to be killed. They they send Dummy's girlfriend Samantha back in time, and only her head returns, also physically distorted. See the picture above. Samantha incessantly speaks poetry, which annoys the three friends. And... never mind the rest. The film is a mess.

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