Sunday, 29 December 2024

Rome 1.06 - Egeria

This episode takes place two months after Titus Pullo killed Evander, Niobe's lover and the father of her young baby. Since his disappearance Evander's wife Lyde, Niobe's sister, has been living with her. There has been constant wailing by both women. Pullo decides to put an end to it. He claims to have investigated Evander's disappearance, and he's heard that he had gambling debts. He's either fled the country, or what's more likely, he's been murdered. This lie has a positive effect on the family. Lyde leaves and returns to her home in Spain. Niobe decides to move on. She has sex with her husband Vorenus for the first time since he returned from Gaul, hoping to have a new baby.

Mark Antony is working to cement Caesar's power in Rome. In the absence of most of the Senators, he promotes Servilius, the most senior Senator remaining, to consul, on condition that he passes a few laws. Caesar is to be made co-consul. In all the outer provinces the agricultural workers must be one third free men. Until now agricultural labour has been done almost entirely by slaves, and the new law will be effectively a tax on the wealthy landowners. Mark Antony makes a blunt hint that he'll kill Servilius if he doesn't get what he wants.

Caesar reports to Rome that he's been unable to fight with Pompey in Greece. He's been chasing him, but Pompey is always one step ahead. This isn't cowardice. Pompey is using the time to gather more legions, and he now outnumbers Caesar's forces ten to one. He requests that Mark Antony sail with the 13th Legion to Greece to support him.

Pullo is still teaching 14-year-old Ocatvian (the future Emperor Augustus) how to be a man. This involves primarily lessons in swordsmanship. His mother Atia says that this isn't enough. He needs to lose his virginity. Atia gives Pullo the money for a high quality brothel run by a matron called Egeria. This is the name of a mythical creature that was revered as a counsellor of women. Was that a name chosen by the matron or her real name? We can only speculate. Octavian is offered a slave girl who was captured somewhere in Eastern Europe when she was young. The price is more than two years wages for a soldier. I don't know what to say. What sorts of customers did Egeria usually have? Who could afford women like that?

This episode seems to be all about sex. Did "Rome" need a ratings boost in the middle of the first season? Atia invites Mark Antony for a meal and seduces him. She asks him to stay in Rome instead of joining Caesar in Greece. She suggests that they get married, and she can offer him protection when Pompey returns. He tells her that he would never betray his friend Caesar, and he storms out.

The episode ends with Vorenus, Pullo and the rest of the 13th Legion in stormy seas on their way to Greece.

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