Friday, 27 December 2024

Scream 4 (4½ Stars)

What's happened with Gale Weathers and her husband Dwight Riley, nicknamed Dewey? At the end of the last film they were so happy. Whenever we see them together in "Scream 4" they're arguing. It must be tough when a sheriff is married to an investigative reporter. He says something is police business, but she insists on knowing about it because reporters need to know everything. They could discuss it calmly behind closed doors, but she has to humiliate him in public by calling him Sheriff Dewey.

As it turns out, Sheriff Riley (to give him his correct title) needs his wife's assistance. She shows more skill than him in tracking down the new killer wearing the Ghostface mask.

"Scream 4" was made 11 years after "Scream 3". Was it necessary? The story could have been left to rest after the first three films neatly tied up the trilogy. It was the studios that put pressure on Wes Craven to make a fourth film. Decisions are made by money. "Scream 4" should have been the first film in a second trilogy, but it never got that far, for several reasons. It made a profit, but it was less successful than expected. It was produced by the Weinstein Company, which ceased operating due to the sex scandals surrounding Harvey Weinstein. But the main reason was the death of the director, Wes Craven. The Scream franchise couldn't continue without him.

What I like about this film is the return to a predominantly teenage cast. It has the atmosphere of the first film. And the high school students deal with a crisis in the same way: "There's a killer in town? Let's have a party".

Success Rate:  + 0.4

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