The film's title is pronounced "Die Drei Fragezeichen und der Karpatenhund",
i.e. "The Three Question Marks and the Carpathanian Dog". It follows directly
from last year's
"The Legacy of the Dragon". In last year's review I wrote about the background of the series, so check it out
to find out what's going on.
It's a German film, but the three young detectives live in America. They solve
any problems, from murders to runaway cats. This time they're hired by
Mr. Prentice, a man who's being haunted by a howling sound in his
apartment. The film deliberately throws hints that it's a supernatural
occurrence, but anyone who's read the last 238 books knows that the
supernatural occurrences in the stories always have rational explanations.
Nevertheless, the film's early scenes have the nature of a horror film,
complete with jump scares. My grandson Oliver was terrified and had to cover his eyes
several times.
The Carpathian dog in the title is a glass statue built by an artist before
his death. He bequeathed it to his cousin, Mr. Prentice, but now it's
been stolen. Is this connected to the haunting or just a coincidence? Watch
the film to find out. Or read the book.
There was a long delay between the second film (2009) and the third (2023).
Now there's a regular schedule. Exactly 12 months till the fourth film, and at
the end of the credits the fifth film is announced for a release on 26th
January 2025. That's good news.
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