Monday 29 May 2023

Renfield (5 Stars)

When I first heard that Nicolas Cage was going to play Dracula, I had my doubts. Even the first trailers for "Renfield" didn't reassure me. He seemed to be playing the role as a comedy figure. Then I saw the film today, and I was knocked off my feet. We can't rely on trailers. They often include footage that's not in the film, and that's the case with the "Renfield" trailer. In the film itself, Nicolas Cage is stunning. I don't know why I ever doubted him. Dracula, in all of his major screen incarnations since 1931, is a pompous, overbearing character. That's the sort of character that Cage plays best. Especially his monologues as Dracula are convincing. He's a madman who wants to conquer the world, and he has the power to do it.

Nicolas Cage bases his performance on Bela Lugosi. As is often said, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. After seeing "Renfield" today, I'm hoping that he'll make another dozen Dracula films.

But the film's main character is Renfield. It's good to see him projected into the limelight, and who better to play him than Nicholas Hoult? He's been a background character ever since Bram Stoker's original novel. Some of the film adaptations have omitted him altogether. When he's shown he's a madman who's desperate for Dracula's attention.

The Renfield that we see in the new film isn't mad. He's Dracula's trusted servant. He goes out in the daytime to find fresh food for Dracula. If Dracula says he wants a busload of cheerleaders, he goes out and gets them.

Robert Montague Renfield, to give him his full name, is immortal. This was never stated in Bram Stoker's novel, but we can read it between the lines. He's been serving Dracula faithfully for 90 years, even though Dracula is a cruel boss who frequently beats him. Renfield gains strength from eating insects, and he's healed by Dracula's blood.

Renfield's strength makes him a skilled fighter, able to take out dozens of armed opponents with his bare hands.

Apart from Dracula and Renfield, the main character is the New Orleans traffic cop Rebecca Quincy. She sees the good in Renfield and helps him rebel against Dracula. Awkwafina plays the same sort of character that she did in Marvel's "Shang-Chi". I like this character. She's jovial and lovable, the sort of person I'd like to sing karaoke with. In the film she's a counterpart to the serious characters around her.

A terrific film. I can't wait to see it again.

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