Sunday 7 May 2023

The Pasta Detectives (4 Stars)

The original title of this German film is "Rico, Oskar und die Tiefferschatten", engl. "Rico, Oscar and the Deep Shadows". The title of the English release is very random, since there isn't any pasta in the film. At least there are detectives: Rico and Oskar.

The film is based on the first book in a series of books about the schoolboys Rico and Oskar. At least, I hope they're schoolboys. We never see them going to school. It's the summer holiday, I hope.

Rico Doretti is a 10-year-old boy who lives in a second floor apartment in Dieffenbachstraße 93 in Berlin. It's curious that the exact address is repeatedly named in the film, as if it's something important. It's a real house in Berlin. The area around his house can easily be recognised in Google Streetview. Most of the characters in the film live in the same house, which is six floors high. It's a typical Berlin apartment house.

That's the house. It's in the middle of Kreuzberg, an area in Berlin which has a bad reputation, but it's actually very attractive.

Rico lives with his mother Tanja, played by the stunningly beautiful actress Karoline Herfurth. She's struggling to make ends meet after the death of her husband in a fishing accident. She works all night in a nightclub, "Die Mausefalle" (engl. "The Mousetrap"). Rico has to put himself to bed, and his mother is still at work when he wakes up in the morning. Maybe that's why he doesn't go to school?

That's the club where Rico's mother works. Maybe not all of Kreuzberg looks so good.

And here's a close up of Tanja riding her bike home from work in the morning. In the film she complains about getting older and losing her looks, but come on! I'd run after her without hesitation, if I could keep up with her bike.

This is Rico's bedroom. Wow! I never had a room that big, even as an adult! He just needs some more furniture.

The twin sisters Mele and Afra live next door on the second floor. Rico is in love with them, but they make fun of him because they think he's stupid. How can he be in love with both of them at once? I've never known any twins, so I suppose it's difficult to choose.

A handsome young man called Simon moves into an apartment on the fourth floor. Later in the film we find out he's a policeman. He makes a round of the house, introducing himself to his new neighbours. Rico thinks he would be suitable as a new father, so he plays matchmaker, which embarrasses both Tanja and Simon.

Rico meets Oskar, an eight-year-old boy who lives somewhere close by. He refuses to give Rico his address. Oskar is highly intelligent, but he suffers from paranoia. He wears a helmet all the time, because he says Berlin is a dangerous place. Rico is jealous of Oskar because he has a father, but Oskar says his father doesn't love him.

That's the introduction. Now for the story. Berlin is living in terror. A man is kidnapping children and only giving them back if he's paid 2000 Euros. The press call him Mister 2000. Tanja warns Rico not to go out alone. Oskar does the opposite. He walks the streets, setting himself up to be captured. He wants his father to prove his love by paying 2000 Euros. Eventually Oskar is kidnapped, but his father won't pay. Rico goes to work, using his detective skills to find where Mister 2000 lives. He proves himself more skilful than the police.

This is a very good children's film. My grandson Oliver had no trouble relating to it, and he wants to see the sequels as soon as possible. In my opinion, the best children's films are the ones that adults can enjoy as well, and this is one of them.

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