Friday 13 September 2019

Tone-Deaf (1 Star)

This is the seventh film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

Have you ever been to the cinema and wanted to walk out because the film's so bad? You say that you have to stay because you paid for it, but when the credits roll you wish that you'd followed your instincts and left an hour ago. Staying is probably a good idea, because if you walk out half way through you'll spend the rest of your life thinking the film might have improved.

A young woman called Olive has just been fired, so she decides to comfort herself by going away for the weekend. It's $500 to stay in a remote country mansion. The problem is that the owner is an old man who regrets that he's never killed anyone, and he wants to make up for lost time.

The film is just ridiculous. I tried to enjoy its absurdity as art, but I couldn't, it was just awful. The killings are random and unrelated. The characters are all unpleasant, in one way or another. Even the acting is sub-par. Silence and loud music alternate annoyingly. What was the director thinking?

This is a dreadful film, and I can't imagine anything else at the festival being so bad.

And the title? Olive is an awful piano player, but she doesn't know, because all her friends are polite and say her playing is great. This means we have repeated piano performances which are out of tune. Terrible!

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