Saturday 17 July 2021

Curse of the Golden Flower (5 Stars)

This is one of the most beautiful films ever made, but it has a different style to "House of Flying Daggers", made by Zhang Yimou two years earlier. The atmosphere in "Curse of the Golden Flower" is much more intense and foreboding. It's obvious from the opening scenes that only bad can come.

Ping is the Emperor of a large dynasty. (In the original Chinese he's only called a king, but I'll keep to the English translation). The film takes place in the Tang Dynasty, some time between 618 AD and 907 AD. He used to be a lowly captain, but he rose to the level of Emperor after marrying the daughter of the King of Liang. He has three sons: Wan, Jai and Yu. Wan was born to his first wife, Jai and Yu to his present wife. Jai is his official heir, but Wan is his favourite son.

The palace is run efficiently, presenting a perfect harmony to the world, but the Emperor's family is far from perfect. The Empress is having an affair with her step-son, Wan. The Emperor knows about it, so he's arranged for poison to be mixed in with her regular medication for anaemia. After the Empress's death he intends to make Wan his heir.

Years ago the Emperor, while still a captain, exiled his first wife so that he could marry the daughter of the King of Liang. He expected her to die, but she married the Emperor's chief physician. He doesn't know she's still alive, because she lives in a house outside of the palace. Her daughter is a servant of the Empress, and Wan has fallen in love with her, not realising that she's his sister.

It's difficult for me to write about this film without giving away too much. All I can say is that it's an epic in the true sense of the word. There are only a few action scenes, but they're exquisitely filmed. The suspense and the emotional content are in perfect balance. The palace shown in the film is the biggest film set ever built. Over 4,000 extras were used. It's a film that has to be seen to be believed.

Success Rate:  - 0.3

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