Saturday 4 February 2023

Project Wolf Hunting (5 Stars)

This is the fourth film in the Stuttgart White Nights Festival.

I can't write too much about this film, because it's a genre buster. For the first half of the film you think it's one type of film, and then it turns into something else.

The film is about the extradition of violent criminals from the Philippines to South Korea. A large number of Korean criminals who had been hiding in the Philippines are transported by ship back to South Korea to stand trial. But they free themselves and a battle with the police guards ensues.

Is this a good film or a bad film? It depends on what you're looking for. I spoke to two people after the film. One said it was the best film of the festival so far. The other said that the story is stupid. They're both right. The film has violence for the sake of violence, with one person dying after another. In a typical last-man-standing film you can guess at the beginning who'll survive; it's the person who's given the most character development. That's not what happens in "Project Wolf Hunting". Every time a character is highlighted and we grow to like him, he's killed in the next scene. But I can appreciate the film as a gorefest.

The gore is extreme. It's not for the faint of heart. Be warned.

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