Sunday 21 April 2024

Bitten (5 Stars)

This is the 13th film in the Stuttgart Nights Festival.

It's a coming of age drama, and the vampire elements are only incidental. The year is 1967. Francoise is a 16-year-old girl who lives in a Catholic boarding school. Her best friend Delphine has just lost her virginity. Francoise is jealous, but she has other things on her mind. She has a premonition that she will die before dawn, so she wants to have a good time in her final hours of life.

Francoise and Delphine hitch a ride to a mansion in the woods where there's a big party. Lots of good-looking boys, but Francoise rejects their advances. She's more interested in a young-looking boy called Christophe. He tells her that he's a vampire, and he's really very old. Francoise asks him to kill her, but he's reluctant.

That's it! No more spoilers.

As I said above, the vampire element of the film is subdued. It's more about the feelings of two young girls, trying to deal with their hormones and the impending feeling of doom.

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