Tuesday 23 April 2024

Seed of Chucky (5 Stars)

In the last film we saw Tiffany having a baby in the cemetery. This film takes place a few years later, and we see what a beautiful boy he's become. Red hair and blue eyes is a beautiful mix. He was stolen from the cemetery by a ventriloquist and taken to England, but after seeing Chucky and Tiffany on television he recognises them as his parents and mails himself to Hollywood.

It's not clear how the two murder dolls found their way into a movie studio. They seemed to have been destroyed at the end of the last film, but they've been reassembled to make a horror film about their killing spree. Ah ha, so it's a metafilm, like we know from "Scream"/"Stab". The dolls are no longer alive, so they have to be animated by electronics.

The star of the horror film is Jennifer Tilly, the real Jennifer Tilly.

She's supposed to be on a diet for her role, but she sneaks into the props room for a snack. What's she eating? I've watched the scene in slow motion, and I can't tell whether it's a Snickers or a Mars bar.

Leave her alone! She's beautiful enough to carry a few extra calories.

The boy recites a ritual from the pages of "Voodoo For Dummies", bringing his parents back to life. They call him Glen, but when he undresses they see that he doesn't have male equipment, so they change his name to Glenda. This starts an argument between the parents. Chucky wants a son, but Tiffany wants a daughter. Can't he be both?

Glen is a good boy. Or girl. He doesn't want to kill, but after seeing his parents go on a murder spree he wants to be like them. 

"Seed of Chucky" has a different style to the previous four films. Until now they've been horror films with slight touches of comedy. In this film the comedy is in the foreground. Critics have called this the weakest film in the series, probably because of the comedy. I used to agree with them, but after watching "Bride of Chucky" and "Seed of Chucky" back to back I can accept both films in their respective styles.

Success Rate:  + 0.1

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