This film takes place in the near future in an unnamed city. It's filmed in Toronto, and care is taken not to show any famous landmarks, but people who live in the city may recognise it.
An illness called the Blight has struck mankind. About half of the world's population is infected. Those who are infected age rapidly and die within a few weeks, unless they have an injection every day for the rest of their lives. The film's main character is Ruth Hennessey, whose husband Jack is murdered in the opening scenes. Jack Hennessey worked for Grantine, the world's largest company, the only company that makes serums for the injections. Jack has discovered that there is a cure for the Blight that Grantine is keeping secret.
As low budget made-for-television movies go it's okay. The action scenes are reasonably well acted. The film's premise is hard to understand. It's clearly stated that the Blight is non-contagious, it can only be transmitted from parents to children, but if that's the case how did half the human race get infected in the first place? I admit that I watched the film because it starred Guylain St-Onge in one of her few film roles before she died of cancer at the age of 39. In her television roles, such as
"Earth Final Conflict" and
"La Femme Nikita", she oozes sexuality. In this film she's less exciting, but still attractive.
Guylain St-Onge
November 5, 1965 – March 3, 2005 |
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