Friday 28 September 2018

Border (5 Stars)

This is the 16th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

Tina works as a customs official in the harbour of Kapellskär in Sweden. She has a special ability which makes her suitable for her job. She can smell evil in people and things. In the film's first few minutes she uncovers a paedophile when she smells illegal films on his phone's memory card.

Tina isn't in a relationship because she considers herself ugly. Does she even look like a woman in the photo? She's an outsider because she can do things nobody else can but also doesn't look like anyone else. That's what she thinks, anyway. A passenger called Vore arrives from Finland who looks and acts like her.

I daren't say any more for fear of giving away spoilers. All I can say is that it's a love story. It's a beautiful love story, but it's also a very unique story. It's Sweden's entry for next year's Foreign Language category. It really deserves to win.

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