Thursday 27 May 2021

800 Bullets (5 Stars)

I fear that this is a film that very few people know outside of Spain. It's been released on DVD in England and America, but it went unnoticed. I would never have heard about it if it hadn't been a strong recommendation from a Spanish friend. Thank you, Miryam.

I've reviewed the film a few times already, and I've concentrated on the chaos in the final scenes. Today I prefer to mention the beautiful coming-of-age story of 12-year-old Carlos. It's a story I can relate to. He's never met his grandfather. Neither his mother nor his grandmother ever mention him. It's as if he doesn't exist. When Carlos finally finds out about his grandfather, he runs away from home to be with him. That's when his life begins.

Julian Torralbo is a former stuntman who now lives in a fake western village putting on shows for paying tourists. It's a fantasy world, but his grandson Carlos loves it. It's more exciting than his dreary life in a Madrid suburb. That's one of the reasons Julian's wife divorced him. She wanted a man who lives in the real world.

Now Julian has a chance to do his duty as a good grandfather. He teaches Carlos the important things in life, like how to play poker.

Or at least, he teaches Carlos when he's not being distracted by the other players.

Is that a glass of beer in front of Carlos? He really is growing up fast.

Carlos learns how to shoot.

He's a good shot. His mother looks on disapprovingly.

Carlos goes to bed with a woman for the first time, a prostitute called Sandra. It's just preparation for the real thing. She takes her clothes off, but he doesn't. I wish I'd been initiated like this when I was 12.

It's a moving, deeply emotional film. The beauty of the story might be lost in the middle of the chaotic events that are typical for the films directed by Alex de la Iglesia. He's one of my favourite directors. I buy all of his films, because I know they'll be good without having to see them first.

The film has only been released on DVD in England and America, but the Spanish Blu-ray has English subtitles.

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