Monday 17 May 2021

The Door (5 Stars)

This is an excellent film that not many people have seen. It's a German film, and in England German films aren't taken seriously, but it's barely known in Germany itself. Maybe the problem is that the film's genre isn't clear. The English DVD release has a cover picture that makes it look like a horror film. Despite occasional murder scenes, it's a cross between science fiction and supernatural fantasy. If no one else, I hope that Mads Mikkelsen's fans will take the trouble to look for the film on disc.

Mads Mikkelsen plays David Andernach, an artist who lives just outside Berlin. It was filmed in Potsdam, a mile north of the Babelsberg Studio, but the location is kept vague. All that matters is that it's a wealthy suburb near the big city. He owns a big house with an even bigger garden, like everyone else in his street.

While David's wife is away he's supposed to be looking after their daughter Leonie. He leaves the house to have sex with his neighbour. When he returns home, Leonie has drowned in his swimming pool. His life falls apart. His wife leaves him. He turns to alcohol. He gives up painting. His large house falls into disrepair.

Five years later he's given a second chance. He finds a door that leads into the past, although it's actually a parallel universe that mirrors the past. His first action is to save Leonie's life. Then he finds out what sort of a world he's entered. Everyone is a murderer, and he too must become a killer if he wants to fit in. He can only get his wife back by killing his wife, as ridiculous as it sounds. Don't worry, it all makes sense in the context of the film.

"We are all murderers. It's the price for our happiness".

This is a brilliant film. I've seen Mads Mikkelsen in many films, but this is his best performance ever. Don't just take my word for it; watch the film yourself. It's only been released on DVD in England, but the German Blu-ray has English subtitles.

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