Saturday 2 April 2022

Green Butchers (4 Stars)

This is a black comedy made in Denmark in 2003. Svend and Bjarne are two butchers who want to open their own shop. Svend takes out a mortgage on his house. Bjarne doesn't have a house, but his brother has been lying in a coma for seven years. He asks for the life support to be cut off, so that he can collect his inheritance. The hospital agrees, but shortly before the machine is turned off his brother wakes up and returns home. This annoys Bjaerne, so he requests in vain for the hospital to put him back in a coma.

This sets the film's tone. The new butcher's isn't very successful, until an accident happens. An electrician is trapped in the freezer and freezes to death overnight. Rather than report the accident to the police, Svend cuts him up and sells his body as meat. The customer reaction is so overwhelming that there's a queue in front of the shop. How can Svend maintain the success? Easy! He traps customers in the freezer every night, so that he has a constant supply of his special chicken, as he calls it.

This is a highly enjoyable film. One of the funniest things about it is Mads Mikkelsen's ridiculous hair style.

If I had hair like that I'd seriously consider shaving my head.

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