Friday 2 December 2022

Marvel 1975.10 - Doctor Strange #10

Doctor Strange #10

Title: Alone against Eternity

Writer: Steve Engelhart
Artist: Gene Colan

Villain: Nightmare, Baron Mordo

Regulars: Clea

Guests: Eternity

Doctor Strange is relaxing at home after defeating Dormammu last issue, but he has an uneasy feeling that something is about to happen. His musings are interrupted by the screams of Baron Mordo, who's being held in a locked room. Mordo went insane after seeing God in Marvel Premiere #14, and Doctor Strange considers it his duty to care for him. Mordo is dreaming, and in his dreams he's being plagued by Nightmare. When Mordo awakes, Nightmare disappears.

Eternity appears in the sky over Greenwich Village. The people in the streets are panicking, so Doctor Strange casts a spell to hide Eternity from them. Doctor Strange becomes one with Eternity in order to speak to him. Eternity tells Doctor Strange that the end of the world will soon take place, brought on by man's greed and inability to listen to one another. Doctor Strange pleads with Eternity to prevent the end of the world, but Eternity refuses. He claims that Doctor Strange can't even overcome himself.

Meanwhile, Baron Mordo leaves his room and goes to the roof. His astral form leaves his body and flies away.

This issue is typical for Steve Englehart's Doctor Strange stories. There's no action, and there's no fighting. There's just an air of mysticism. That's what gives Steve's stories their power.

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