Sunday 25 December 2022

Vamp (4 Stars)

This is what I call white-washing. Why is Grace Jones, one of the blackest actresses alive, shown with white skin and red hair? What I mean by "blackest" is that people who are called "black" have varying skin colours from light brown to dark brown, but Grace has very dark skin, almost black. Except in this film, when she appears on stage as a stripper.

This is how I prefer to see Grace Jones. Black, blacker, blackest. There was a time in my life when I had a crush on her. I considered her to be the perfect woman. Not any more. She's too thin for me. My tastes have changed over the years.

Strangely enough, one of my friends in England has accused me of being a racist. He obviously doesn't read my blog. I find women with every skin colour beautiful. Almost every skin colour. I don't find women with extremely pale skin attractive. I'll refrain from naming any examples. When it comes to Caucasian women, I prefer women with a rosy skin colour. But that's just what's on the outside. More than anything else, I'm attracted to women with self-confidence and a strong personality. Based on her many interviews, that applies to Grace Jones.

Being bitten by Grace Jones! If there's a better way to die, I don't know what it is. As long as she's black, not pale white.

Success Rate:  - 0.5

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