Wednesday 22 March 2023

Marvel 1975.03 - Daredevil #119

Daredevil #119

Title: They're tearing down Fogwell's Gym!

Writer: Tony Isabella
Artist: Bob Brown

Villain: The Crusher

Regulars: Foggy Nelson, Candace Nelson

Flashbacks: Iron Man, the original Crusher

A new comic, a new writer. Tony Isabella begins his stint as writer in this issue, bringing a breath of fresh air into the series. He didn't stay long, unfortunately. I wonder where he would have taken Daredevil if he'd done 20 or more issues.

It's a day in the life of a superhero. Instead of swinging through downtown New York with his billy club, he decides to take the subway. It must have been an unusual sight for the other commuters.

It's a slow start to the day. On arrival at the district attorney's office he changes into his civilian clothes before entering. Maybe it would have been better to change clothes before catching the subway. It looks like Matt Murdock wanted the thrill of everyone looking at him. He's always been an extrovert.

After leaving Foggy Nelson's office, Matt visits Fogwell's Gym, where his father used to train. He meets a former boxer, Kid Gawaine, who's now become a Catholic priest. Unless I'm mistaken, this is the first hint of religion in the Daredevil comics.

A young man in the gym, Juan Aponte, is a bantamweight boxer, but he wants to become a heavyweight. He's using a serum to increase his size, but it's also having an effect on his personality. He's becoming more aggressive. Matt suggests taking out a restraining order to prevent Juan boxing, but Juan overhears him and locks him in the changing room. This gives Matt all the privacy he needs to change into Daredevil.

When he comes out, Juan suddenly turns into a 15 foot giant. That sounds like the super heavyweight division. His intelligence has also deteriorated. He smashes everything around himself, repeating the words "The Crusher". Daredevil has trouble fighting him, but suddenly Juan changes back to his old size. His heart gives out, and he dies.

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