Sunday 19 March 2023

The Amazing Maurice (unrated)

This is a post that I almost didn't write. I saw this film in the cinema today, but I thought it appropriate to ignore it. It would have been the first film I've watched since September 2010 that I haven't told my readers about. But I'll own up. Here's the post.

Since December I've been going to the cinema with my grandson Oliver almost every Sunday. If there's a children's film he hasn't seen yet, I go to watch it with him. Today the film was "The Amazing Maurice". The problem is that I didn't sleep well last night. It happens. I was tired when I went to the cinema, and even more tired when I sat down.

I didn't actually fall asleep, but my eyes kept falling shut and my concentration wandered. I couldn't follow the film. It seemed like a complicated plot, and I couldn't keep up. A fat cat, rats in fancy clothing, evil rat catchers and good rat catchers. It didn't make sense.

When I got home I read a synopsis of the plot. I thought I could cheat by basing my review on the synopsis. No. The synopsis shocked me. There was so much in it that I didn't remember. So I'll be honest. I sat in the cinema for 94 minutes, and all I can remember is a few snippets of dialogue and some slapstick comedy. Laugh at me if you will. I deserve it.

All I can do is promise to watch the film when it's available on a streaming service. I want to see what I missed.

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