Thursday 2 March 2023

Marvel 1975.06 - Strange Tales #180

Strange Tales #180

Title(s): The Judgement!
The Trial of Adam Warlock

Writer: Jim Starlin
Artist: Jim Starlin

Villain: Magus (flashback), Matriarch

Regulars: Pip the Troll, Gamora

The comic is divided into two chapters. Look at the titles. It's significant that the judgment comes before the trial.

Jim Starlin is hiding in the credits. He's named as artist, but for his other functions he uses pseudonyms that are anagrams of his name: Sam Jiltirn, Ms. Natjiril and J. L. Minirats.

The story begins with Warlock and his friend Pip on Homeworld, the planet where the headquarters of the Universal Church of Truth is located. Warlock is hardly noticed among the planet's strange inhabitants, but Pip is soon spotted. The church has sentenced all Trolls to death because they're considered degenerate. Warlock fights off the Black Knights that attack Pip, knocking them all unconscious. He senses that his soul gem wants to suck them in, but he stops it acting. He decides that he has to remove it because it's too dangerous, but as soon as he takes it off he falls to the ground dying. The gem has spent the last three years sucking Warlock's soul into it, so they're now in a symbiotic relationship. Warlock can't live without the gem.

Warlock leaves Pip behind and sneaks into the Matriarch's chamber. He asks her how she knows that his gem is rebelling against him. She says that the Magus told her about it happening long ago. The Magus is Warlock's future self. While he's in shock at this revelation she opens a trapdoor below him, and he falls into a dungeon.

Chapter two. Warlock is on trial. The judge, Grand-Inquisitor Kray-Tor, promises him a fair trial, even though it's already been decided that he's guilty. Witnesses are called, and any witnesses who speak in Warlock's favour are killed. Finally Warlock is sentenced to be sent to a church-house of correction.

Warlock uses the power of his soul gem to blast his way free. Then he commands the gem to take Kray-Tor's soul. He immediately has possession of all of Kray-Tor's memories. He's shocked to find that Kray-Tor sincerely believed he was doing the right thing in serving the church. The strain on his mind makes him fall unconscious. The Matriarch arrives with her servants and throws him into a pit.

Meanwhile, Pip is drinking in a dark tavern. He meets a woman called Gamora who says she's /looking for Warlock. She wants his help to defeat the Magus.

This woman appears in the MCU films as a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. I should say that she inspires the character, because she's a different woman with a different background. And a different costume. In the comics she wears a full body fishnet with nothing underneath. It's sad that the MCU has to spoil everything.

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