Sunday 31 March 2024

Police Story 2 (4½ Stars)

This is a sequel to "Police Story", made three years later in 1988. Despite his success in the first film, Ka Kui Chan has been demoted to a traffic cop because of the excessive property damage caused in his fights. Come on, guys, it was the fault of the criminals!

The story is in two parts. Maybe the first part is abandoned too soon. The drug dealer Chu Tao is released from prison on compassionate grounds. He only has three months to live, supposedly, but we soon find out that his illness was faked. Chu Tao's men attack Ka Kui at home. After fighting them off, Ka Kui finds them in a restaurant and attacks them, causing yet more property damage. His superiors threaten to discipline him, so he quits the police force.

This is when the second part starts. Ka Kui decides to take his girlfriend on holiday to Bali. But he never gets that far. While buying plane tickets he overhears that there's a bomb threat in the shopping mall. Despite having quit the Hong Kong police force, he's still a policeman at heart, so he takes control of the evacuation of the mall. There's an explosion just after the regular police force finally arrives. They beg Ka Kui to return to the police force, which he gladly does.

The rest of the film is about Ka Kui's search for the gang that blew up the mall.

Once more, it's a high octane Hong Kong police film with spectacular action from Jackie Chan. The humour is toned down, or maybe it's just less silly. If anything, this is a slightly better film overall. Maybe I should go back to using quarter stars in my ratings.

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