Friday 2 February 2024

Attack of the Killer Donuts (4 Stars)

I recently said that I should stop picking up cheap films from the bargain bins because they're all rubbish. I shouldn't generalise. This is a film I grabbed while waiting for the train yesterday, attracted by the cheesy title, and it's not a disappointment. Far from it. I watched it with my son this evening, and he said it's one of the best films he's ever seen. I don't rate it quite as highly, but I understand why he likes it. It's a horror comedy that plays it straight. What I mean is, a film about donuts sounds like it would be laughs from one end to the other, but the humour is kept to a minimum.

The plot is simple. A mad scientist has invented a serum that brings the dead back to life. Normally that would lay the path for a Frankenstein film, but not this time. He goes to Dandy Donuts and gets into a fight. His serum is knocked from his pocket and falls into the pan where the donuts are fried. This brings the donuts to life, and they also sprout teeth. They hop around on a killing spree.

I almost fell out of my chair when Christine Nguyen appeared at the 51 minute mark. I wasn't expecting her. Unfortunately, she only has a small role. To be precise, only 64 seconds screentime split into three short scenes. I counted.

Christine in black leather. Delicious! But a few minutes later she's killed by a donut that sucks her brain out of her ear. I almost included a screenshot, but I've decided to spare my readers. It's a sight too horrible for human eyes.

I don't have time to write more because the Fantasy Film Festival starts tomorrow. I'm sure I'll watch the film again soon.

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