Tuesday 21 May 2024

Robot Dreams (4 Stars)

This is a film that I watched at the Fantasy Film Festival last year. For the festival no difference is made in the age requirements, whether a film has been rated or not. To avoid problems, the cinema doesn't allow anyone under the age of 18 into the festival. Now it's eight months later, and "Robot Dreams" is running in the normal cinema program, and the age certificate is 0. That's fair. It's a film that's suitable for children, so I took Oliver to see it today.

It's a bittersweet film. It takes place in an alternative version of New York City that's populated by animals. Dog is lonely. When he comes home after work – we never see his job – he sits alone in his apartment watching television. He buys a robot to keep him company. It's an affectionate robot that becomes his best friend. In fact, Dog and Robot are so affectionate towards one another that they could be called lovers. They could have lived happily ever after if Dog hadn't made a mistake. A big mistake. He goes to the beach and allows Robot to swim with him. Didn't anyone ever tell him that you shouldn't throw electrical devices in the water? Robot breaks down and lies motionless but awake on the beach. Dog comes back the next day, but it was the last day of the season, and the beach is locked.

Dog promises to return the next year, but it's not so easy. The beach may be sealed off, but scavengers come onto the beach from the sea. Are the two ever reunited? That's the film's story.

It's a beautifully made film, perfect for children. Oliver loved it. But I can guarantee that adults will like it as well. The film was made in Spain, but it's a silent film.

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