Thursday 9 May 2024

Wine: Schmalzried Muskat-Trollinger

People who have read my wine reviews may think that I'm biased and I'll say any wine from Württemberg is good. This is the proof that it's not the case. A young lady that I met at the cinema recommended me the wine from Korb, a town that's about ten miles north-east of Stuttgart. So what did I do? You guessed it. I ran to the closest supermarket and picked up a bottle of wine from Korb, a Muskat-Trollinger from the Schmalzried vineyard.

In the evening I poured it into a decanter and waited patiently to let the wine breathe. Then I took my first sip. And yeuk! What was I drinking? It was so sour and unpalatable, I thought someone was playing a bad joke on me.

I drank the rest slowly. I thought it might grow on me. But it didn't. The following day I drank a second glass. It tasted slightly better after standing for a day. The third day (last night) I finished it. Never again. How dare Schmalzried sell something like this?

Before writing this review today I read online that this wine has won an award. You can see the green sticker on the bottle in the photo. Maybe, just maybe, something was wrong with the wine that I bought. Maybe some sort of contaminant found its way into the bottle, spoiling the taste. But then it would still be Schmalzried's fault. They bottle their own wine, so they should have quality control. Really, I should have taken the wine back to the supermarket and told them it was bad, but they would just have laughed at me. They have no way of knowing I'm a connoisseur who can tell the difference between good and bad wine.

No more Schmalzried wine for me. Never again.

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