Friday 10 May 2024

Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 (4 Stars)

There's been a lot of talk about "Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey". Apart from the disgust about a popular children's character being used for a horror film after the copyright expired, there was a general consensus that it was a bad film. That made me curious. I wanted to see it, but it wasn't shown in the cinemas. But now, a year later, there's a sequel. I rushed to the cinema expecting the film to be bad, or at least so-bad-it's good, but guess what? As the film progressed, I was surprised how good it is. There's a lot of gore, but it was well filmed, and the overall impression was that it was a good film.

When I got home I read reviews, and I saw what had happened. The critics agree with one another that the sequel is much better than the original. The first film was made on a shoestring budget of $50,000. It was successful enough to justify investing over a million dollars in the sequel.

I need to see the first film, not just to find out if it really is so bad, but also to see the background of the second film. It's a direct continuation from the first film, without introducing the characters. It's not fair of me to give a full review because I might be giving spoilers. What I mean is, things are said in the film, and I don't know whether they're new or things that were revealed in the first film. It's best that I don't say anything. Except that it's a film worth seeing.

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