Sunday 12 May 2024

The Garfield Movie (4 Stars)

Does this film fall into the category of a delayed sequel? The first five Garfield films were made from 2004 to 2009. Now there's a sixth film after a 15 year delay. Usually that's the sign of a poor movie, but I can't really judge, since I've never watched the first give films. Apart from that, I was impressed by the film I saw today. The children in the audience were laughing, and I was laughing as well.

The story's premise is that Garfield finally meets his father Vic after years of separation. But who's his mother? We meet Vic's ex-girlfriend, an evil Persian cat called Jinx, but it's never suggested that she's his mother. Maybe, maybe not. Garfield and Vic are sent on an (admittedly over-complicated) mission to get milk from a dairy. Don't worry that so much of the film doesn't make sense. The animated slapstick humour makes up for it.

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