Saturday 22 July 2023

Megan (4½ Stars)

Sometimes I think I'm stupid. Maybe I'm always stupid, but on occasions something happens that makes me doubt in my own sanity.

Today my computer stopped working. "But that can happen to anyone", you say. Yes, but I should have been prepared for it. My computer has been having sporadic failures for the last 12 months. In February I made a full backup of my data in preparation for buying a new computer. But what did I do next? Nothing. The errors were only sporadic and could be fixed by switching the computer on and off a few times, so I did nothing. And today it's stopped working altogether. It's my own fault. Now I have to panic, buying a new computer as quickly as possible. Sure, I'll make sure I get a good computer, the best I've ever had, but I won't have the comfortable overlap of two computers at once.

So how am I writing now? I have a laptop. I'm fortunate that it's a good laptop, but it's still depressing, having to write my blog with a small screen. I'm stupid, and I know it!

I watched "Megan" this evening as a distraction. Yes, I know the film's title is really "M3gan", but I don't like distorting the English language.

"Megan" is one of the most successful films of this year, so far, based on my unbiased rating system. I've thought of doing a list of the success ratings of the films I watch each year. A sequel has already been promised, but not until January 2025. I can hardly wait.

Success Rate:  + 13.1

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