Monday 31 July 2023

Halloween Kills (4½ Stars)

This is the 12th film in the Halloween franchise, but only the fourth film in the double-retconned series. Read my post about "Halloween" for an explanation of the confusion. Not everyone understands it. There's a diagram explaining the continuity on the Wikipedia page, but it's incorrect. If my PC hadn't broken down I would have drawn a new diagram. My laptop doesn't have any graphics software.

"Halloween Kills" was made in 2021, but it starts immediately after the events of "Halloween", so it's still 31st October 2018. This makes the film feel like "Halloween 2", which also began minutes after the first Halloween film. I consider it a slightly better film than "Halloween" (2018). It has more action, and there's a higher kill rate. It shows the effects of the original killing spree that took place in 1978. The people in the town have become monsters in their thirst for revenge.

There are flashbacks to 1978, and one thing that stands out is that the population doesn't change. Haddonfield is a town which nobody leaves. If you're born in Haddonfield, you remain till you die. Some people die sooner than others. Michael Myers has no trouble recognising the people that he knew 40 years ago. He wants to exact his vengeance on them, their children and their grandchildren.

The most important Haddonfield residents in the film are Laurie Strode, her daughter Karen and her granddaughter Allyson. Karen never wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps, considering her a fanatic, but after her mother's injuries in the last film she's forced to step up and take responsibility. Allyson also joins the fight, despite only being a teenager. How old is she in the film? Sixteen?

The family has been presented in multiple film posters.

Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode

Judy Greer as Karen Nelson

Andi Matichak as Allyson Nelson

The Blu-ray I watched today also contains an extended version. I watched the theatrical version, because I missed the film in the cinema. The extended version supposedly has a different ending which doesn't match the next film ("Halloween Ends"), so I shan't watch it until later. I also want to rewatch "Halloween 2", when I have time.

Success Rate:  + 4.7

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