Saturday 14 October 2023

Don't worry, Darling (4 Stars)

This is the second film I've watched this week that I gave five stars in the cinema but have downrated it now. They were both films that overwhelmed me in the cinema, but I was better able to judge them sitting at home in the comfort of my own room.

Jack and Alice live in a perfect world. The sun is always shining, and everyone gets on with one another. The men work in a company called Victory, and the women spend their time taking dance lessons or idling by a pool. The only problem is occasional mild earthquakes. Judging by the technology, such as rotary phones and black and white televisions, it seems to be the 1950's. But things aren't always what they seem.

None of the men, Jack included, tell their wives what they do. When Alice starts to ask questions, she realises that she's trapped in an elaborate prison. She can't trust anyone, especially not Jack. He knows exactly what's going on, but his loyalties lie with Victory, not his wife.

I wrote more about the film's plot, but I deleted it. The film is new enough for me to avoid spoilers. This is the sort of film I like, about a world with hidden secrets, but while watching it a second time I realised that there are unanswered questions. I might go into them next time I watch the film.

Success Rate:  + 0.5

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