Friday 12 February 2021

John Wick (5 Stars)

John Wick is growing on me. I don't just mean the first film, I mean the whole franchise. It started off well in 2015, and each film is better than the one before. This is the sixth time I've watched "John Wick" (the first film), even though I've only given it a four and a half star rating in the past. Now I've finally upgraded it to a five star rating. Maybe in the past I was ashamed to give it a full five star rating because of the (seemingly) wooden character. Now I can see that Keanu Reeves' portrayal of the character is exactly as it should be. He's not capable of portraying emotions. Everyone knows that, but he doesn't need emotions for this role. It's like the role was written for him.

I haven't included any of the John Wick films in my top 100 films list. That's deliberate. However, the way the films are growing on me, it's possible that I'll change my mind at a future date. A future list – if I live that long – might see all three films in the top 30, maybe even the top 20.

The fourth film should have been released in May this year (2021), but it's been slowed down by the Coronavirus. The latest estimate is that it'll be released a year later in May 2022. I hope that will be possible. In difficult times like these we need more films, not less. It's unfortunate that films are having to go direct-to-streaming while cinemas are closed, but I'm hoping they'll still be made. The whole film industry is having to adjust itself to the new situation.

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