Monday 15 February 2021

Doctor Who and the Daleks (4 Stars)

I didn't intend to watch this film today, but my grandson Oliver talked me into it. While we were playing in the cellar I mentioned Daleks, and he wanted to know what they are. I showed him the case of this film, and he insisted on seeing it. It's a certificate U (Universal), so I brought the film upstairs.

Oliver loved the film from the beginning. He was annoyed that the Daleks didn't appear immediately, but he laughed at the antics of Roy Castle as Ian. I never realised until today how suitable he was for the role.

It would have been Oliver's second film, but he didn't have enough patience to watch the whole film. There was too much talking and not enough action, so he gave up after 52 minutes. That's a shame. I watched the rest of the film by myself, but it's possible that he'll want to watch the rest tomorrow.

The film is a remake of a story from the first season of "Doctor Who" in 1964, but with significant changes that make it non-canon. The Doctor is a human, not an alien. Susan and Barbara are sisters. Nevertheless, it's a good film with impeccable acting from Peter Cushing. He was the best Doctor who was never a Doctor, if you know what I mean.

And the Daleks are in colour!

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  1. Hello Mike,

    really good review. I am not actually into Sci-Fi movies/series and didn't watch the older films. But I loved the newest seasons of Doctor Who, which aired in 2005 with the ninth doctor "christopher eccleston". I can recommend it (: keep up the good work.

    - the guy from the bakery

    1. Most "serious" Doctor Who films don't like this film, but I think it's worth watching.

      What sort of films do you like? As you can see if you've browsed my blog, I don't just write about science fiction films. I hope there's enough to make you a regular rader.


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