Monday 8 February 2021

The Shining (5 Stars)

Most people would agree that "The Shining" is one of the greatest films ever made. Maybe I've put the film too low in my list. I'll be able to decide after watching the next 87 films. All I can say at the moment is that it gives me an eerie, chilling feeling whenever I watch it. The film fascinates me in a way that's difficult to describe.

Today I watched the theatrical version, even though the director's cut is probably better. Fans of the film often get the two versions mixed up. The theatrical version is 144 minutes long, and the director's cut is 119 minutes. In most cases a director's cut is longer than the theatrical version, but not where this film is concerned. Stanley Kubrick was unhappy with the film as it was shown in the cinemas, so he cut 25 minutes to improve the pacing.

People always connect the film with Jack Nicholson as the writer Jack Torrance. One thing that should be noted is that most of Stephen King's books contain a writer. Is he trying to portray different sides of himself from book to book? In this case he's revealing his madness.

Shelley Duvall is given too little credit for her role as Wendy Torrance. There's a aura of madness in her wide-eyed gaze and toothy smile. Could any other actress have played the role?

Danny Lloyd plays their son Danny. He was six years old at the time, and he only made one other film when he was eight. I'm curious why he didn't go on to have a successful acting career.

Scatman Crothers plays the hotel's cook, Dick Hollorann. I've never read the book, but in the film his appearance seems rushed, especially when he arrives in the hotel. More could have been made of him.

The hotel owner seems innocent in both versions of the film. Only the censored epilogue suggests that he plays a part in leading Jack into madness. The full text of the epilogue can be found in this review.

Success Rate:  + 0.3

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