Thursday 8 April 2021

Ava (4 Stars)

This is a film that was scheduled for cinema release in October 2020, but it was cancelled because of the Coronavirus lockdown. In Germany the cinemas were closed, at least. It's possible that some of my readers in other countries were lucky enough to see it on the big screen.

Ava Faulkner (Jessica Chastain) is an ex-soldier who now works for a shady group known only as the Organisation. I don't know whether to spell that with a capital O or not. The Organisation seems to be on the right side, but it's ruthless in the way it acts. It sends agents to assassinate money launderers, arms dealers and anyone else who's above the law, wherever they are in the world. This is illegal, of course, but they believe that the end justifies the means. This is the same sort of principle as in Luc Besson's "Nikita".

Ava is the Organisation's most efficient operative, and she's responsible for 41 kills. Two years ago she had a meltdown. It's not stated what happened or why, but we can assume it's because she developed a conscience. She got over it and she's back to work, but someone high up in the Organisation thinks she's a liability and wants to kill her.

That's a simple enough story, but there are a few subplots to complicate matters. Her ex-fiancé Michael, who's now married to her sister, has $80,000 gambling debts. That's a strange relationship. Evidently Ava walked out on him eight years ago without saying goodbye, so he married her sister on the rebound. Strange guy. Ava's mother is sick, close to death, but the illness is left unnamed. Overall, a lot of things are annoyingly left open, leaving the viewer to guess.

Jessica Chastain is a competent action hero. It's a joy to watch her taking out male attackers, either with a gun or with her bare hands. She just needs a better written screenplay next time.

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