Saturday 1 October 2022

Wonder Boys (3 Stars)

Michael Douglas plays Grady Tripp, a literature professor who's struggling to finish his latest novel. It's not writer's block, it's the exact opposite. He can't stop writing. He's written over 2600 pages, and he can't find a way to end the story.

The film follows Professor Tripp's interactions with four people in his life. He's having an affair with Sara, the head of the English department's wife. He's renting a room to his student Hannah, who has a crush on him. He's close friends with James, a student who has a natural talent for writing and has just finished his first book. His publisher Terry Crabtree is visiting him from New York to encourage him to finish his book.

The narrative is non-linear, with random events happening in quick succession. I don't like this sort of film, but evidently the critics do. It was nominated for three Academy Awards, but it was a box office failure. As usual, I take the side of the fans, not the critics.

Success Rate:  - 1.6

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