Monday 17 October 2022

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (4 Stars)

I didn't intend to buy this film, but when I saw the 4K disc in Amazon's Early Access Sale for 6.95 Euros I couldn't resist the temptation. I have no idea what the sale was about – early access for what? – but it was a good price. Today, as I write this review, it costs 12.99 Euros, almost double the price.

It's a weird film, messing around with Marvel's concept of a multiverse three years before the topic was picked up in "Spider-Man: No Way Home". Evidently the critics like the film more than me. It has a 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, the highest rating of any Marvel film so far, and it won the Academy Award for Best Animated Film in 2019.

So the film has six Spider-Mans, or should I call them Spider-Men. It's always a problem with the plurals of proper names. But I can't call them Spider-Men, because two of them are women. So they're Spider-People? Not quite. Spider-Ham (on the right) is a pig, so they're Spider-Things. This is getting confusing.

There are attempts to be humorous in the film, but only one thing made me chuckle: Spider-Man Noir takes a Rubik's Cube back to a black and white universe. Isn't that the same sort of thing that happened in "Pleasantville"?

In my eyes the film isn't bad, but it's not great. If I had to name three things I particularly like about "Into the Spider-Verse" I'd say:

1. There's an animated Stan Lee cameo.

2. In the final scene Miles Morales captures the essence of Spider-Man by talking like Peter Parker.

3. Ummm... I can't think of anything else.

Success Rate:  + 2.2

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