Friday 10 April 2020

Scott Pilgrim vs The World (4½ Stars)

I can't believe this film was a box office flop. What's wrong with people? It's brilliant! It's a classic. It deserves to have been one of the biggest hits of 2010. Okay, I haven't given it a full five star rating. I have a reason for deducting half a star that I won't mention here. All I'll say is that it's been six years since I last watched it, and that's too long. Sometimes I realise with horror how long it's been since I watched a truly great film, and I compare it with all the average quality films that I've watched in the meantime. What a waste of my short, short life!

I don't know much about Canadian culture, so I have a question. Is it really so horrific that a 22-year-old man should date a 17-year-old girl? When I was 22 I was dating older girls, but I might have dated a 17-year-old, if I'd met the right person. I know that when I was 18 I had a 15-year-old girlfriend. I had my first girlfriend when I was 16, and she was 13. When I was 26 I married a 22-year-old woman. Throughout my teens and early 20's my girlfriends were always three or four years younger than me. That seemed natural. So why not five years younger? It would hardly have made any difference.

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I bought the film on Blu-ray, but I realised today that the film is now only available on DVD in England. That's sad. The American release has shot up in price, indicating that not many copies are left. What can we do to increase the interest in this incredible film?

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