Sunday 12 April 2020

The Master Of Kung Fu (4 Stars)

This is a Shaw Brothers film made in 1973. Unlike the other Chinese films I've been watching recently, the fighting is realistic. What I mean is, in traditional martial arts films the lead character leaps into a fight against ten men and knocks them all down without breaking a sweat. In "Master of Kung Fu" the heroes are punched hard and even wounded before they finally defeat their enemies.

The film takes place in the city of Canton (Guangzhou) in southern China. Master Huang and Master Mai each own a martial arts school. Master Huang, who also practises as a doctor, is friendly and good-willed towards his cousin, but Master Hai is competitive and refuses offers of cooperation. The students in the two schools consider themselves enemies and frequently attack one another. Each master has his own speciality. Master Mai uses the Iron Claw, a powerful fist strike that can shatter objects. Master Huang uses the Invisible Kick, a deadly kick to the chest which causes internal bleeding. However, he hasn't practised the Invisible Kick for ten years, because he accidentally killed his brother in a friendly tournament.

A rich English businessman called Mr. Gordon is looking for a security guard, the best fighter he can find. The job is offered to whoever can win a public fight. Master Hai applies for the job, but Master Huang refuses to fight against this cousin. Another applicant is a man called Li Tian Dao from northern China. Master Huang knows him and warns his cousin that Li Tian Dao is a notorious criminal who fights unfairly, but Master Mai refuses to heed the warning. In the duel Li Tian Dao batters Master Mai ruthlessly and breaks his ribs. Mr. Gordon wants the contest to be to the death, but Master Huang interrupts and saves his cousin's life.

Behind his front as a respectable businessman, Mr. Gordon makes most of his money by smuggling opium from Hong Kong to Canton. He uses the money to buy jade jewellery, which he can sell for a huge profit in London. Li Tian Dao's goal is to kill Mr. Gordon and steal his jewellery, but he has to dispose of all potential enemies. His servant puts poison in the medicine that Master Huang is giving Master Mai. Master Huang is accused of murder and has to go into hiding. Master Hai's students take revenge by killing Master Huang's students.

Master Huang and his two surviving students face insurmountable odds, fighting against Li Tian Dao, Mr. Gordon's crooked henchmen, Master Mai's students and the police. It's a tough, gritty film. The only glamour is supplied by Miss Hong, an actress who hides him. Her devious uncle wants her to "be nice" to Mr. Gordon, but she has too much self-respect to let a foreign devil touch her. Nevertheless, her connection with Mr. Gordon assists Master Huang.

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