Tuesday 30 August 2022

Masha and the Bear 1.1.2 - Don't Wake Till Spring!

This episode was first broadcast on 8th January 2009.

The second episode of "Masha and the Bear" deals with Bear – that's his name! – hibernating for the winter. After watching this episode I did some research on the subject. Bears don't hibernate as strictly as other animals. During the winter months they don't eat or drink, and they stay in their dens, but they don't necessarily sleep the whole time. In that respect this episode is true to life. Bear locks his food away, boards his door shut and lies down on his bed to rest until spring.

It'll be a quiet few months for the retired circus bear. But he's forgotten his new friend called Masha. She comes in and wants to play. She bounces on his bed while he's trying to sleep.

There's no peace when Masha is in the house!

Eventually Bear persuades her to be quiet, but she complains that she's hungry. There evidently isn't enough food in the railway station where she lives. Bear gets up and cooks a fine meal for her.

But the cooking lasts too long. Masha falls asleep on Bear's bed.

There's no way Bear can sleep now. He takes the food up to a hungry wolf sitting on the hill. We'll see a lot of the wolves in future episodes.

After they've finished eating they sit together howling at the Moon. Poor Bear. He won't be getting any sleep this winter. His life of peace and quiet ended the day he met Masha.

This is a beautifully crafted episode, as always. How can anyone not like this series?

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