Sunday 21 August 2022

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (5 Stars)

Could this be one of the greatest love stories ever told? Maybe. For those of us who consider ourselves in any way spiritual or religious, it asks serious questions. What's more important? Spirituality or love? Putting the question in a more western setting, is it better to go to Heaven or to love someone? Assuming the two are alternatives. It sounds very awkward when I see the words in front of myself, so I hope you'll understand me. Those who've seen the film will know what I'm talking about.

The Beatles sang that "All you need is love". That seems obvious in theory, but how many people live by that slogan in practice? As you get older other things become more important, such as money, power and fame. Mostly money. It's intuitively obvious that money shouldn't be more important than love, but what about religion? Should my religion be more important than love?

There are so many distractions today. Technology, Internet, entertainment in general. Jen and Lo (whose names vary depending on how they're anglicised) are surrounded by mountains and just have one another. That's a beautiful life. Maybe I could have lived like that when I was younger. Now that I'm older I've been corrupted by the Internet. If I were alone with a woman in the mountains I'd soon yearn for the Internet and my film collection, however much I love her.

I hope my readers don't find my thoughts too crazy. Try to understand me. Tell me what you think.

Success Rate:  + 10.6

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