Saturday 13 August 2022

Paddleton (3 Stars)

Michael and Andy are neighbours and best friends. They live in apartments in the same building, and they spend all their free time together.

The film begins with Michael being told that he has stomach cancer and less than six months to live. He doesn't want to slowly deteriorate and die in pain, he wants his life to end while he still feels reasonably good, so he asks for a way to end his life. His doctor prescribes him medication that will kill him quickly and painlessly. I didn't know that this is allowed in America, but let's accept it for the sake of enjoying the film.

The nearest chemist willing to accept the prescription is a six hour drive away. Michael and Andy drive there together. The tablets cost $3500. Only in America! On the road trip home Andy tries to talk Michael out of killing himself, but he's determined.

The two men spend their last days together watching television, eating pizza and playing a novel ball game that they call Paddleton.

The film is a comedy. There's a lot of low key humour, but it's nothing I could laugh at. The subject matter is something I can't accept. I don't like films about cancer. The only thing in the film's favour is that we don't see Michael suffering.

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