Friday 8 September 2023

Masha and the Bear 2.2.2 - Kidding Around

This episode was first broadcast on 11th October 2013.

It's a sunny day in Russia. Bear is playing with his model plane.

Masha's pig is cooling off by swimming in the water. Supposedly her name is Rosie, but she hasn't been named in the series so far, so I'll just call her Pig.

I always thought it's just a little puddle outside Masha's house, but look how deep it is.

When Pig climbs out of the water, Masha is waiting. She thinks Pig might have a cold.

So Masha pushes Pig to the Wolves' ambulance to get a first aid kit.

The Wolves aren't at home, they're out catching butterflies. No, they aren't butterfly collectors. They want to eat them!

Pig's pushchair is broken – did you notice it in the picture above? – so Masha tries to repair it. But she's clumsy and dislodges the ambulance. It rolls down the hill and crashes into Bear's fence.

Masha's been a naughty girl. She needs to be punished.

So she's sent to stand in the corner. That's good parenting. Well, Masha isn't really Bear's daughter, but she lives alone in the forest, so he acts as her parent.

Bear thinks back to when he had to stand in the corner as a child.

The other animals think it's funny, but Bear reminds them of their childhood. Pig had to stand in the corner when she was naughty.

So did Rabbit.

But every punishment comes to an end. Bear takes Masha into the garden and lets her play with his model plane.


  1. I find myself oddly disappointed that there were no goats.

    1. The goat (singular) is a minor character in "Masha and the Bear". He never plays an important role. Masha lives in the railway station with a pig, a goat, a dog and chickens (that we only see in the first episode).

      By the way, I realised today that it used to be just a small puddle outside the door. See my screenshot in "How they met".


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