Tuesday 26 September 2023

Raging Grace (3 Stars)

This is the 27th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

Joy is an illegal immigrant from the Philippines who lives in London. She's a trained nurse, but without a visa the best job she can get is as a cleaner. She has a young daughter called Grace, who's intelligent but mischievous. She's offered a visa for £15,000. It's almost certainly illegal, but it will look realistic enough to fool the authorities. The trouble is that she only has £10,000 and she has to get the visa within a month.

Joy considers theft, but when she enters a stately home she's offered a job as a maid for £1,000 per week. It's better than she could have hoped for. She thinks she won't get the job if she says that she has a daughter, so she hides Grace in her room. But there are sinister things happening in the house. She's told that the owner is about to die, but her training as a nurse tells her that he's being given medication to make him ill.

The film begins very slowly. For the first 45 minutes it's so slow that I had to ask myself what the point of the film is. After that it speeds up and develops into a gripping horror story.

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