Friday 22 September 2023

The Survival of Kindness (1 Star)

This is the ninth film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

The festival catalogue describes this film as abstract. When I hear the word abstract I understand it as experimental. The director obviously has some interesting ideas that he wants to put across without words. Most of the film has no dialogue, and when the characters finally speak it's in foreign languages, and they're unable to understand one another.

The film takes place in Australia. It begins with a woman, presumably an Aborigine, in a cage in the desert. She breaks out of the cage. She sees men who are dead or dying. She finds a deserted town. Finally she's captured by men wearing gas masks, who capture her and other Aborigines, making them work as slaves.

It's not obvious what the film means. It seems that there's an illness that kills white people, but Aborigines are immune. Even if I have this understanding, the things that happen in the film aren't clear to me. It's very frustrating for a film to end with a final scene that makes no sense.

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