Wednesday 27 September 2023

The Harbinger (3 Stars)

This is the 29th film in the Stuttgart Fantasy Film Festival.

"The Harbinger" is a film set in the era of the Corona pandemic. We see a family so paranoid that they wear masks at home and don't even sit next to one another in the living room. This isn't just coincidental, it's important to the plot. There's a demon that's been unleashed by people's fears. It's a demon that attacks people in their dreams. People who meet the demon can can wake up in completely different places. I don't mean sleepwalking, the new place might be in another city miles away. But the curse of the Harbinger is that he wipes out a person's existence. A person doesn't just disappear, nobody remembers him.

It's a complex film. When we stood discussing it we couldn't agree on what everything meant. It's a film that I suspect I might give a higher rating when I see it again.

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