Sunday 17 November 2019

American Werewolf in London (4 Stars)

This is my 13th horror film in November 2019. It was made in 1981, and I'm well aware that it's considered by many to be a cult movie, but I have difficulty understanding why. It's good, but it's not great, if you understand what I mean. It's funny, but it's not hilarious. Maybe it's become such a favourite with horror movie fans because it was the first film to show that being a werewolf has a funny side; like waking up naked in a zoo with the other animals backing away in fear.

One of the things that lets the film down most is the poor acting by Jenny Agutter, the actress who plays the English girlfriend of the American werewolf. Judging by the dialogue, she's supposed to be a very passionate young woman, but we see nothing of it in her facial expression or the tone of her voice. She's icy cold throughout. What did the werewolf ever see in her?

The newspapers contain reports about the mutilated bodies found in London. They're only half reports, though. Check out the screenshot above. Only the headline and the first paragraph are about the werewolf attacks. The rest of the article is about a National Front march. That's sloppy.

Success Rate:  + 8.7

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