Sunday 24 November 2019

The Irishman (4 Stars)

I admire Martin Scorsese, even though he's not one of my favourite directors. He's created several great works of art in his career. "The Irishman" is one of his best films, although I had to lower my rating because it slowed down too much in the last half hour. However, I'm quite shocked by his recent statements that Marvel films "aren't cinema". That's such a stupid statement that I can hardly believe he really said it. It's not something that I would expect from a man of his stature. Doesn't he know what cinema is?

Let me tell him. Cinema is about human experience. People go to the cinema to be touched, which can happen in a variety of ways. If a film is a tragedy, people are dragged down. If a film is a romantic love story, people are uplifted. If a film is an action adventure, people sweat and their pulses race while they watch it. If a film is a horror film, people jump and are terrified. If a film is a pornographic film, people are sexually aroused.

Which of those is cinema? All of them, and there any many other examples that I could add. Do people like all of these types of films? I do, I'll watch anything, but most people have their favourite genres that they stick to. That's not a problem to me. If someone tells me that he doesn't like horror films I accept it, even though I think he's missing out. But if someone tells me that horror films aren't cinema, I shake my head and I say he doesn't know what he's talking about.

I've tried to understand Martin Scorsese by reading his "not cinema" quotes in context. I get it. Almost. He thinks that Marvel films don't touch human emotions. He thinks they don't offer intellectual enlightenment for the viewer. If he were a food connoisseur he would be saying that McDonald's isn't food because it's not a three star Michelin restaurant.

What he's saying is partially snobbish, partly ignorant. People walk into the cinema expecting to be touched in different ways. Not all Marvel films are the same. Has he ever watched them? Has he ever compared them with one another? "Deadpool" isn't the same as "Infinity War". What's wrong with Martin Scorsese? If he'd said, "I don't like Marvel films because fill-in-the-blank" I would nod and say that I understand him. If he says that Marvel films aren't cinema, my answer is "That's just dumb".

I enjoyed watching "The Irishman" today. I didn't enjoy it as much as "Avengers: Endgame", even though I'm an intelligent film fan. Nevertheless, I'll watch it again when it's available on Netflix. That's a certainty.

I wasn't aware that it's a true story until I walked into the cinema. I'd never heard of Jimmy Hoffa and the other characters in the film. That's probably because I grew up in England. I was never affected by American mob-influenced politics. "The Irishman" has educated me more than it's entertained me. The lasting impression that I took with me today is that it's Robert De Niro's best performance for a long time. I've been annoyed by his comedy roles over the last 20 years. I've always thought he could find better roles, and by playing Frank Sheeran he hit the jackpot.

I'll write about the plot the next time I watch it.

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