Monday 12 October 2020

The Last Circus (5 Stars)

This afternoon I went to the circus with my grandson Oliver. It was Circus Piccolo, a small family circus that visits my village once a year. Most of the performers are children, either teenagers or pre-teens. One of the clowns looked like he was three years old. He walked around with two older clowns making noises with his miniature trumpet. The circus has no animals. Most of the acts were acrobatics, but there was also a magician.

I felt sad that the circus was so empty today. Last year the tent was packed, but today there were only about 30 people in the audience. Everyone is afraid of getting infected with Coronavirus. It was easy for us to keep a social distance of 1.5 meters from other people, but with attendances like this they're in danger of going bankrupt.

As soon as I walked out, I knew I had to watch this film tonight. I was in a circus mood, and this is the best film I have that's about a circus; or about a clown, at least. I can't praise "The Last Circus" highly enough. In my opinion, it's one of the best films ever made. It's definitely in my top 20 films, probably in my top 10.

The film is about a young man called Javier who's born into a circus family. His father and his grandfather were both clowns. It's in his blood. However, his life is filled with tragedy. As a young boy he witnesses his father being arrested for fighting against General Franco in the Spanish Civil War. 10 years later he attempts to free his father while he's doing slave labour at the monument of the Valle de los CaĆ­dos, but his father is killed before his eyes. He swears revenge.

There are distractions on the way. In 1973 he joins a circus and falls in love with Natalia, a trapeze artist who's the lover of Sergio, the main clown in the circus. Sergio beats Natalia repeatedly, and Javier wants to save her, but she refuses to leave him. As a result of the love triangle, violence breaks out between the two clowns. Sergio's face is badly mutilated, while Javier descends into madness.

"The Last Circus" has been described as a dark comedy, but I disagree with that label. There's nothing funny about it. It's a tragedy. Javier is destined to suffer from the beginning of his life, and nothing can stop it.

Everything about the film is stunning, from the plot to the cinematography. The story is wrapped around historical events in Spain from 1937 to 1973.

During the opening credits there's a series of 47 photos which I presume show important people and events in Spanish history from 1937 to 1973. I recognise only a few of the people. Can someone please tell me who all the others are.

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